Within the project elderly people were engaged into the active participation in museum work not as regular visitors, but as collaborators in the new museum programs for various audiences, primarily, of the same age and for the families.
The complicated inter-institutional focus of the project is based on a strong partnership between two major sectors of the city management – social protection and culture. Also, there was a launch of the intensive dialogue between the institutions of different - federal and municipal - levels. The project is regarded as a part of a comprehensive program for the new practices for elder people in Moscow museums and the development of the «Moscow Longevity» program.
The groups of older people were invited to the visit several partner museums with the help of experts from the Social Communications and Active Longevity Departments. For five months - from November 2019 till March 2020 - they took part in different kind of activities of museum curators and educators. Also, they learnt some social communication rules. In the course of the project the older people were trained to work with historical sources and museum content to create their own museum products. The outcome of was in new projects and products developed in the collaboration between the groups of older people and the museum professionals. Also, the project touches the issue of the recommendation service. Elderly people made their own itineraries and recommended certain museums to each other. Hopefully, the museums would be able to offer and to promote special programs and new services.
Dates: July 2019 - September 2020.
The project partners: the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the City of Moscow, the International Council of Museums in Russia - ICOM Russia, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the State Museum of the Defense of Moscow, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.